There were sirens in Cerrado

A writer gives an interview about her upcoming project: a journey in search of the dangerous sirens of the Cerrado.

A film by Patrícia Colmenero & Renata Schelb

  • Em busca por inspiração, uma escritora mergulha nas águas desconhecidas do Cerrado para desvendar os mistérios envolvendo as sereias, vistas como monstros ameaçadores e vítimas da pesca predatória desenfreada. Desafiando o desconhecido e decidida a descobrir verdades ocultas, ela concede uma entrevista que tece um suspense envolvente, desafiando as barreiras entre a realidade e o folclore dessa narrativa.

  • In search of inspiration, a writer dives into the waters of the Cerrado to unravel the mysteries surrounding the sirens, perceived as threatening monsters and victims of rampant overfishing. Defying the unknown and determined to uncover hidden truths, she grants an interview that weaves an engaging suspense, challenging the boundaries between reality and the folklore of this narrative.

“What I am suggesting is that if we have been told a whole ethnic group is supposed to be monstrous, it is because the secret of the sirens must be beautifully frightening.”